Itaipu Binacional will showcase the importance of water for biodiversity, climate, and energy, during Water Week.
Not far from the sands of the Dubai desert, visitors of Expo will experience the abundance of water resources from South America. At the Brasil Pavilion, Itaipu Binacional, an energy company that belongs equally to Brazil and Paraguay, will showcase the interconnections between water, biodiversity, climate, and energy.
The company will end the Brazilian program at Expo 2020 Dubai, with a 12-day exhibition, from March 20 to 31, 2022. With state-of-the-art interactive and immersive technologies, it will present the richness of Brazil’s ecosystems and sensitize visitors about environmental conservation, and water care.
Activities at Expo will also feature side events that will address sustainability. They will cover a variety of themes such as territorial development, renewable energies, preservation of water resources, and biodiversity, among others.

Brazil and Paraguay created Itaipu to jointly generate hydropower on the Parana River, the border between the two countries. It is the single plant that has produced the most energy in history, with more than 2.8 million Gigawatts/hour, enough to supply the world for 45 days.
Around its reservoir, the plant develops a series of environmental and social actions. An example is the green belt of more than 100,000 hectares of Atlantic Forest, which received the title of Biosphere Reserve from UNESCO, in The Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme.
The sustainability theme, says Brazilian general director from Itaipu, Anatalicio Risden Junior, reflects the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) strategy. “It highlights the potential of Brazil for a green economy, which associates economic development with nature, exemplified by Itaipu’s case.”
The Brasil Pavilion, by the way, is a must at the Expo Sustainability District. At ground level, it has a water mirror that refers to the enormous availability of water resources in Brazil: 12% of the world’s fresh water and a coastline of almost 11 thousand km in length. The Pavilion will receive a series of attractions prepared by Itaipu that aim to raise awareness of the importance of water for ecosystems and, consequently, for the quality of life of all people.
Activations will make use of state-of-the-art technological resources, such as augmented reality, virtual reality, immersion in scenarios with 360-degree projection, among others. Visitors will have the experience of visiting Itaipu, the natural beauties that surround the plant, and other scenarios that show the exuberance of nature in Brazil.
These attractions can be covered, throughout different itineraries: Water as Movement (with emphasis on the “flying rivers” installation, which shows the interconnections between Brazilian biomes through the rain); Water as Energy (where it is possible to learn about the importance of water and biodiversity for energy generation); Water as Life (which includes ballet performances specially created for the Expo by Quasar Cia. de Dança); and Waters for Peace (in which the partnership between Brazil and Paraguay that generated Itaipu will be explored, including the company’s contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda, and the importance of this agenda for the world).
Itaipu at Expo

Itaipu’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai will begin at the Brasil Pavilion, in the Sustainability District, in March 20 and will continue until the last day of the event, on March 31. The ballet performances also start on the 20th and will take place every night, at 7 p.m., until the last day of Expo.